Urban Upgrading for Inclusion, Sustainability, and Resilience

I am excited to see the completion certificate. I have completed an intensive online course on “Urban Upgrading for Inclusion, Sustainability, and Resilience in a time of Global Pandemics” organized by the Open Learning Campus (OLC) of the World Bank. The course focused on the “conceptual and operational aspects of designing, implementing and sustaining a slum upgrading intervention while underscoring the main policy and programmatic approaches at the city level for scaling up upgrading and better planning for future growth. It also shares the latest thinking and practices of different actors in helping slums cope with the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic”. The course was organized in 9 weekly modules that required a weekly dedication of about 4-6 hours in your most convenient schedule. It was started on October 26, 2020, # #inclusion and continued up to January 10, 2021.


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