What do we expect from a course on Training of Trainer (ToT)?

What do we expect from a course on Training of Trainer? After completing this training, we expect, participants will be able to understand the training process from training needs assessment to the analysis of training effectiveness including the critical factors that contribute to a successful management of a training program, the adult learning principles and their implications in training design and delivery. We hope that after getting a course on Training of Trainer (ToT), one could be able to design and manage a training course.  

We might know that for managing a successful training, we have to follow a process, where we have to define the target population for training, understand the tasks to be performed by the target population on the job, list the skills and knowledge needed to do the tasks, select the skills and knowledge to be taught, organize the selected skills and knowledge into suitable the module with an expanded outline (facilitator guidelines, course coordinator guidelines session plans, training methods, training materials and exercises realistic examples), and finally, organize the training with appropriate duration and facilities.  This module will give us the opportunity to provide training to those people who will be involved in training management and conduction. That will be an important approach for PKSF training unit.

This module needs to be covered in almost all aspects in the area of teaching and learning. It includes the training planning, management, and conduction that includes basic concepts of training, training needs assessment, defining learning objectives, identifying appropriate training methods, designing training materials, developing training modules, facilitation skills, training monitoring, and evaluation. The contents of the module depend on the duration of the course. As it will target mostly adult participants, it requires lots of exercises as an adult learning technique. Every session needs to be elaborated with a detailed session plan. We know, elaborate session-plans are helpful for a trainer.

This module will require to accommodate some established theories in the area of education, teaching, and learning. For example, the theory of andragogy by American adult educator Malcolm Shepherd Knowles and the sensitive and T-group theory by German-American Psychologist, Kurt Lewin is to be described. In addition, the works of John Dewey, an American educational reformer is another example. He believed that human beings learn through a 'hands-on' approach, which is really the educational philosophy of pragmatism. Pragmatists believe that reality must be experienced. In explaining experimental learning, David Allen Kolb’s, an American educational theorist, needs to be cited. Paulo Freire, a Brazilian educator, and philosopher, who is best known for his influential work Pedagogy of the Oppressed are discussed. Jean Piaget's, a Swiss developmental psychologist, the theory of cognitive development needs to be referred. This deals with the nature of knowledge itself and how humans gradually come to acquire, construct, and use it. A comprehensive reference list for further readings might help participants to broaden their knowledge base.


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