Causes of Salinity Intrusion in Coastal Belt of Bangladesh [Journal Article]


Cite this paper: Md. Mahmuduzzaman, Zahir Uddin Ahmed, A. K. M. Nuruzzaman, Fazle Rabbi Sadeque Ahmed, Causes of Salinity Intrusion in Coastal Belt of Bangladesh, International Journal of Plant Research, Vol. 4 No. 4A, 2014, pp. 8-13. doi: 10.5923/s.plant.201401.02.


Copyright © 2014 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved.


As Bangladesh belongs to one of the seaside countries, the adverse impact of saltwater intrusion is significant here. Salinity mainly affects land and water in the coastal areas. With the consequence of climate change, it gradually extends towards inland water and soil. This scenario of gradual salinity intrusion in the coastal area of Bangladesh is very threatening to the primary production system, coastal biodiversity and human health. The total amount of salinity affected land in Bangladesh was 83.3 million hectares in 1973, which had been increased up to 102 million hectares in 2000 and the amount has raised to 105.6 million hectares in 2009 and continuing to increase (Soil Resources Development Institute (SRDI), 2010) [1]. In the last 35 years, salinity had been increased around 26 percent in this country. Salinity intrusion is spreading into the non-coastal areas as well. Recently, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)’s Seed Study, funded by USAID, has identified 12 districts of Bangladesh as salinity affected area through GIS mapping [2]. This paper analyzes the cause of salinity intrusion in the coastal belt of Bangladesh such as: critical geographical location of the country, low flow condition of the river by a barrage in the upstream neighboring country, faulty management of coastal polders, sea level rise, cyclone and storm surge, back water effect, precipitation and shrimp culture. This paper also helps the decision makers and planners in sustainable social, agricultural, environmental and other water resources management plan for the coastal region of Bangladesh.

Keywords: Salinity, Intrusion, Coastal belt, Bangladesh

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  1. Salanity is an important issue in Bangladesh in the context of changing climate. It is also complicated by the interaction of upstream water withdrawal and the formation of coastal areas in Bangladesh. The formation of coastal areas in this delta make the life and livelihood difficult to many costal people.


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