
Showing posts from April, 2020

What do we expect from a course on Training of Trainer (ToT)?

What do we expect from a course on Training of Trainer? After completing this training, we expect, participants will be able to understand the training process from training needs assessment to the analysis of training effectiveness including the critical factors that contribute to a successful management of a training program, the adult learning principles and their implications in training design and delivery. We hope that after getting a course on Training of Trainer (ToT), one could be able to design and manage a training course.   We might know that for managing a successful training, we have to follow a process, where we have to define the target population for training, understand the tasks to be performed by the target population on the job, list the skills and knowledge needed to do the tasks, select the skills and knowledge to be taught, organize the selected skills and knowledge into suitable the module with an expanded outline (facilitator guidelines, course coordinat

Addressing the problems of hardcore poor through micro-credit

Microfinance does positive change in poor women’s life, revealed by various empirical studies. It is well accepted as a poverty reduction tool by many countries all over the world, but it is not a panacea for poverty reduction. Moreover, it is not adequately suitable for all kinds of poor. T he extreme poor have not been adequately reached by existing microfinance institutions. It is not only because of their incapability but also for the nature of financial products that are offered for them. It is also related to the perception of extreme poor about microfinance. The objectives of this article are to illustrate the facts and figures about the targeting methodologies used in Bangladesh by the Microfinance Institutes (MFIs) and other development organizations, analyze the financial product that is offered, narrate cultural clientele relationship of MFIs, and finally, articulate some challenges which need to be reviewed for designing any further financial products for the extreme poor.

Land use and Land Conservation in Bangladesh

Agricultural land is becoming scarce in Bangladesh because of the small size of the country (144000 sq. km) and a large population (112 million). Therefore, the land-man ratio is decreasing over time. Besides, the availability of cultivable land is decreasing due to deterioration of land by the flood-induced sand cover, riverbank erosion, and unplanned expansion of human settlements as well as non-farm activities. Further, many other human activities tend to accelerate land degradation. Many of these land users stem from a lack of knowledge about land quality and its optimum usage. As a result, the amount of agricultural land is decreasing at a faster rate in Bangladesh. A proper assessment of land, particularly, agricultural land and its conservation is vital for sustainable development in Bangladesh towards propagation and conservation of the country’s agricultural resources. This paper investigates the cultural and human dimensions of land use and land conservation in Bangladesh

Human Rights and Women in the Garments Industry in Bangladesh

Ready-made Garments (RMG) is a labour-intensive secondary economic activity. It was shifted from developed countries to  the least developed countries through developing countries. The main concern of this process is the cost of labour. The first garment industry began exporting in 1976 in Bangladesh. Garments are now the most important category of export goods in Bangladesh. The increase in the value of exports is mainly due to an increase in quantity.   The critical expansion in exports occurred in the period 1983-1985. Currently, almost 12 million people are employed in 2274 garment factories in Bangladesh. About 75 of them are women. In a Muslim majority country where women’s participation in the labour force has traditionally been very low working in the RMG industry represents a facet of social change. For many families, women working in the RMG industry represent the only source of earning member of the family, e.g., female-headed households (FHHs). The issues relating to t

PKSF Newsletter No.8, 2012

I am really happy to see this Annual Report 2011of PKSF. I was involved with this task in preparing this Annual Report as a Team Leader of the PKSF Publication Unit. I also remember two of my other colleagues in the PKSF publication section: Ms. Jisan Afrin and Ms. Sharmine Mridha. PKSF Newsletter No.8, 2012

PKSF Annual Report 2011

I am really happy to see this Annual Report 2011of PKSF. I was involved with this task in preparing this Annual Report as a Team Leader of the PKSF Publication Unit. I also remember two of my other colleagues of the PKSF publication section: Ms. Jisan Afrin and Ms. Sharmine Mridha. PKSF Annual Report 2011    

The Art of War, written by SUN TZU

সময়টা   আজ   থেকে   প্রায়   ২৫০০   বছর   আগে ,  স্থান   প্রাচীন   চীন।   তৎকালীন   চীনের   অন্যতম   শক্তিশালী   সাম্রাজ্য  ‘ উ ’-  অধিপতি   ছিলেন   সম্রাট   হেলু।   তিনি   তাঁর   অভিজ্ঞ   ও   দার্শনিক   প্রধান        সেনাপতি   সান   জুকে   নির্দেশ   দেন   যুদ্ধজয়ের   কৌশল   নিয়ে   একটি   বই   লিখতে।   যাতে   সম্রাটের   পরবর্তী   প্রজন্মও   যুদ্ধের   ময়দানে   জয়ের   ধারা   বজায়   রাখতে   পারে। এই   আড়াই   হাজার   বছরে   পৃথিবীর   চেহারা   আমূল   বদলে   গেছে।   সেই   তীর   ধনুকের   যুদ্ধও   টিকে   নেই ,  টিকে   নেই   সম্রাট   হেলুর   সাম্রাজ্যও।   এমন   হয়ত   একটা   জিনিসও   পাওয়া   যাবে   না ,  যার   পরিবর্তন   এই   বিশাল   সময়ে   হয়নি। কিন্তু ,  টিকে   রয়েছে   সান   জু ’ র “Art of War” ।    এখনও   মানুষের   সর্বাধিক   পঠিত   বইগুলো   মধ্যে   এটি   একটি।   তার   কারণটি   হল  –  যুদ্ধের   ধরণ   ও   মাধ্যম   বদলে   গেলেও   সান   জু ’ র   দর্শন   আজও   কার্যকর ।   শুধু   যুদ্ধক্ষেত্র   নয় ,  কর্পোরেট   জগত   থেকে   শুরু   করে   খেলাধুলা ,  নেতৃত্ব ,  ব্যবসাসহ   জীব