
Showing posts from August, 2020

It’s time to have an interactive database in place

  Dr AKM Nuruzzaman and Fariha Zaman Promi COVID-19 has affected most of the people in this world directly or indirectly. There have been 19,005,651 reported cases and 711,864 deaths as of August 6, 2020. Most of the countries or some parts of those countries are under lockdown since January 2020. The spread of this virus started in Wuhan, China on December 2019. It spread all over the world within 3 months and is still spreading as death tolls are rising in many regions and countries. As we observe, among all affected countries, COVID-19 remains mostly controlled in South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and even in China. There are some positive signs in other countries too. This is mainly due to some precautionary measures such as ‘personal hygiene’, ‘isolation’, ‘quarantine’, ‘lockdowns’ and ’social distancing’ taken to tackle the virus. However, there are have been some difficulties in implementing these methods in many countries. It is a unique experience for us. This u